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Little Tales

This is where I honor my friends

As an animal lover, I believe it's necessary to honor the little ones who've helped me to gain my experiences and hone my Gifts. 
Whether departed or living, each one of these babies holds a very special place and story in my life and my heart. Here are just a few.


I remember it was a Saturday afternoon. I had overbooked myself with plans for that entire day, but oddly, one-by-one, they all got cancelled. I remember thinking it was strange as I sat on my couch wondering to myself what I would do, now that I have nothing to do... 

But that didn't last very long. 

My friend, Vanessa, sent me a message, asking if I could help her, because she was panicking. 
Her beloved dog, Melanie, had just passed away, and she had made an appointment with an animal communicator. She accidentally missed the appointment, and the animal communicator wasn't responding to her desperate attempts to reschedule. 

Not only was I upset for Vanessa, but I was really put off that a professional would behave in such a way. (But, as with everything, the Universe has plans for us!) 

I sat there on my couch, and thought to myself, "I'm a medium... why can't I at least try to get information from her sweet dog?" So I told Vanessa to grab her list of questions and I'll see if I can "get" a read from Melanie. 

...and just like that, I felt Melanie right in front of me, and the information just started flowing in. I was seeing images in my third eye, and typing information to Vanessa freely. Just as I'd send the information to her, she'd be sending me the question that she wanted to ask. MELANIE WAS ANSWERING HER QUESTIONS BEFORE SHE EVEN ASKED THEM! We communicated for a long time. It was because of Vanessa and Melanie in this encounter that I grew passionate about becoming an "official" animal communicator. 

This was the most thorough, beautiful reading I had ever done, and I was (and still am!) so very grateful that Melanie and Vanessa trusted me to help them both to communicate in spirit. 

Melanie continues to come to me very often, and she will come when she knows Vanessa needs her. 
She even helps me in return. What a perfect, loyal, loving, intuitive, INTELLIGENT companion Melanie remains, even in the afterlife! 

She is, indeed, a Blessing and a Gift, and I believe with all my heart that she has become one of my most precious spirit guides. I'm so grateful that Vanessa shares her loyal baby with me in spirit. 

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