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How I Work

HOW I READ(How my clairs work)

I am predominantly clairsentient (feel).


I am also clairvoyant (see), clairaudient (hear), clairgustant (taste), clairolfactant (smell), clairtangent (touch), and claircognizant (know). I can also use psychometry (touching objects) and automatic writing to obtain information and insight.


HOW I WORK WITH ANIMALS: Either with them physically or looking at pictures, flash images and information and feelings will come to me as “drips” of information. This could take up to a few days to come to me completely. 
I can provide animal communication and also distance Usui reiki for animals, and it has proven effective with calming and beneficially clearing for them from a health perspective. I will also physically feel areas of their bodies that need attention, whether I'm physically with them or using distance reiki. I am not a doctor nor a vet, so please use my support services as supplemental to professional care.  


HOW I WORK WITH LOST OR SICK PETS: I look at one or two pictures of the lost animal and will get flash images of locations and will also feel physical aspects of the animal, (i.e.: cold, wet, injured, dizzy, disoriented, etc.) from the animal's perspective.

WITH SICK PETS, I can feel areas of their body that are not functioning properly. Using either in-person or distance Usui reiki, I can work to move "byoki", or negative energy/disease, through the body. This practice has been proven effective when used prior to- and after medical procedures as well.


WHAT IT SEE, SMELL, HEAR, FEEL, SENSE, or TASTE and KNOW: Places or landmarks that they have seen at some point in their journey while lost. This doesn’t mean that the animal is currently in this location, but it could, because the impression is fresh enough in their mind that this is what comes through. OR it’s simply memorable in some way.

FEATURED: Durkadurkadurkadurkadurka

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