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Annie DiMattia, Animal communicator, Medium, Usui reiki master and Shamanic practitioner, Artist specializing in clairsentient pet portraiture.


The services and support I offer are many; utilizing my intuitive and spiritual Gifts, I can help humans understand their animals and vice-versa, locating lost pets, and interpreting illness and behaviors. My work in mediumship has helped the living understand the messages from their loved ones who've passed, as well as understanding any spirit energy within their homes. Within my Usui reiki practice, I specialize in helping animals and humans in their healing journeys. Within my Shamanic practice, I specialize in power animal journeying for my clients. 

I was born and raised in "DelCo" (DE County, PA), the third child of strictly Roman Catholic parents who taught us that being good people who are truly happy is the most important thing in life. My mother, a librarian and incredibly selfless and loving woman, and my father a tool liaison for Boeing and realtor/appraiser, was a bull of a strong man, who lived to provide-for and protect his family. 


I was an extremely shy child, who would often be found hiding in small places "just to get away". In hind-sight, I believe that this was my way of shutting out the information and energy that I was unconsciously receiving from other people.


My experiences with spirit began (that I can recall) at age 3. My life has been spent having all kinds of "different" feelings, intuitions, physical conditions, random thoughts, internal voices, etc., etc... My parents believed I was "reincarnated", but I always knew I had special Gifts. After having far too many mediumistic experiences in my later years, I decided to pursue a path of discovery to determine what those Gifts actually are. 


My teachers/mentors include psychic medium Cindy Kaza, animal communicator Lena Swanson, psychic medium reiki master and healer Julie Lawson Genovese, and Shamonic practitioner Sharon Ramel. I am a Shamanic practitioner and healer, and certified Usui reiki master, for treatment of both human- and animal-kind. I am a classically-trained figure drawing artist, designer and teacher with a penchant for educating and fund-raising.

I am very passionate about supporting non-profits; specifically those who rescue animals. CARE Rescue Texas is one that I've supported and been actively involved with since 2012. I also support and assist the Senior Dog Haven & Hospice on a regular basis, performing animal communication and reiki when needed. Please visit their sites to learn more.


Regarding my art - Although I'm currently recovering from a very damaging hand & arm injury, I am working on drawing again, but very slowly. My commissions are halted for the time-being.

I've been an artist for over 30 years; first specializing in figure drawing and art therapy, and more recently working predominantly with animal portraiture.
My passion is to deliver a final product that captures the essence of each animal or human. Custom orders of beloved pets and exotic animals from several non-profit rescues are available for purchase. Each image can be custom-designed on garments as well. Please inquire for more information on that. 

I donate a percentage of my profit to the associated organization from each print purchase. 


I'm a "rescuer", which means that every animal I've adopted has been a rescue. Two dogs, who have since passed, and whose spirits still dwell in my home, and currently living with 3 cats: Oberon, Durka, and Vixen. 
I am a sponsor for 2 animals who live at CARE Rescue Texas: 
Goliath, the special needs bobcat and Godzilla, a sulcata tortoise. I also previously sponsored 2 tigers who have passed: JP, and Selena. 

FEATURED: The Tiny Dog & Daisy the Dragon

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